Mobile App
Let’s say John and Alex work in the same large consulting company, but don’t know each other. They both fly from New York to Chicago and go from the airport to the center at the same time. Cårporate helps them to find each other, share the ride, save the company money, reduce exhaust emissions and establish business relations.
Tens of thousands of people work in American audit and consulting companies. Employees spend a lot of working time at meetings with clients in other cities, and the company pays for their taxi rides. These employees often use the same routes with colleagues at the same time but don’t know about it. As a result, companies spend extra money to pay for a taxi, the atmosphere suffers from greenhouse gases and the number of traffic jams is increasing.
Our customer has been in consulting sphere for many years. He has analyzed the cost of a taxi and realized that an average consulting company can save from 5 to 10 million dollars per year with the help of corporate ride-sharing. We helped him to implement the idea — we designed and implemented the «turn-key» service, from backend to mobile applications for iOS and Android.
«Consulting companies will save a lot of money on trips. This is an average of 2 million per 10,000 employees annually. Besides, care for the environment is a hot topic. We liked the idea of the service.»
We helped launch a technology product from scratch.
There is a gamification element in the application. The employee rating system gives points for saved miles, and companies will be able to convert them into different corporate benefits.
To log in to the app a user should enter a corporate email. Rides information is only available to employees within the company and is not available to other people.
Screen with a user data
The application does not limit users in choosing a taxi. In Cårporate you can choose Uber or Lyft and order the taxi you are used to. The task of Cårporate is to connect fellow travelers, and then they agree on their own.
Points of departure and destination are defined by the user. If there is a companion in the radius at the start and end points, the service will help to unite these people. If the user does not find ready trips, he can create his own with one tap. Others can see it and join.
The first version of the application is MVP. It had to be done in a short time with a minimum budget amounting. Therefore, we used Firebase, a ready-made tool for the server side. It helped to save money on the server and develop a backend 2 months faster. Our team has developed a special algorithm for positioning. To get around Firebase’s search limitations, our team has developed a special algorithm for positioning.
«In the future, we will change the server side. Firebase is a temporary solution. But we have got experience integrating with the service and customizing it. Now we can confidently recommend it for small projects without complicated backend.»
The field of ride-sharing is actively developing around the world. In Canada, people use Kangaride and Ridesharing, and Tripda is used in countries of Latin America. BlaBlaCar is popular in Russia, for example.
Cårporate is a unique project. Nowadays this is the only ride-sharing b2b service that brings people of the company together.
«The service is in the beta testing phase. We are gradually introducing it. The development results make me happy. We are pretty good together with the team. We had a perfectly fine-tuned communication that’s why we had got what we wanted to get.»
Oleg Shirokov
Philip Filchenko
Ilyas Gayfullin, Daria Gvozdeva, Timur Repin
Eugene Valeev
Ilya Biltuev, Alexey Nemichenkov
Konstantin Kulikov, Denis Tkachenko
Daria Kurkina, Alexandra Kochetkova
Mikhail Chesnokov
We are always glad to cooperate and work on new projects
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