Mobile App Design

Mobile App Design

We stick to the engineering work approach. The beauty of the interface is just the tip of the iceberg for us.



MobileUp’s tasks to solve

Our team focuses on in-depth research, tests many hypotheses, studies audience segments, and tasks, conducts a competitor analysis, and takes into account all technical features of the product. Add to that the experience, expertise, and focus of the team. This is how we hone an interface and harden a product.

  • Research

    We provide a business, an audience, and a competitor analysis

  • Facelifting

    We refresh style if we are reserve-constrained

  • Branding

    We create corporate identity and logo

  • UI and service designв

    We help to launch new services and take on mobile app design in St Petersburg and Moscow on a turn-key basis


Design Process

Three pillars of the perfect interface

The design process includes three large blocks: analytics, UX, and UI design. Please find more info about each of these blocks below.


At this stage, attention is paid to the product and the audience analysis, and the architecture of the future solution is laid. A list of tasks required for the development of the first version of the product is defined here.

  • Product analysis

    We communicate with the customer especially closely at this stage. MobileUp studies business processes and the user portrait if there is no information about it. If the product is not new, we provide an audit of the existing app. At the same stage, we make a list of integrations that could be useful for the software part development.

    The goal is to deep dive into the customer’s business to lay the basis for the further design solution.

  • Complex research

    We analyze the behavior of current and study potential users: prepare surveys, conduct in-depth interviews, and monitor reviews in stores. We also research the market: trends, regulation, and expert opinion. As a result, we have got a document containing potential market threats/opportunities and the main points that need to be taken into account in terms of regulation. All trends and insights are gathered individually. We research competitors and their solutions through the prism of UX.

    The goal is to provide user research, market, and competitor analysis, and gather insights and ideas for product development.

  • The Terms of Reference (ToR) development

    Here we develop the ToR. MobileUp fully describes the functionality of the future product, the requirements, and the limitations that the development team focuses on.

    The goal is to develop the ToR to help the team create a quality IT product. We translate from the business language into the development one.

We have won the Pioneum contest twice thanks to the outstanding work of our analysts (Anna Money and Samokat cases)

UX design

We write user scenarios, prototype the service, and create core logic.

  • User scenarios

    We make a list of the user scenarios, that can be run within the interface.

    The goal is to describe each scenario in as much detail as possible so as not to miss a thing in the interface.

  • Interface structure

    Here we apply user cases to the app structure. The total number of screens and the approximate content of each of them become clear at this stage.

    The goal is to create a screen map and put all user scenarios there.

  • Prototyping

    MobileUp defines the functionality of every screen and draws these screens schematically.

    The goal is to build a clickable interactive app prototype. It’s not a real app yet, but it looks just like a real one. Such a prototype with clickable buttons can already be demonstrated to the customer.

  • Usability testing

    Once the prototype has been developed, we test hypotheses on real users. We conduct focus groups, write the interview script, and conduct testing. As a result, we always get unexpected insights and recommendations. Then the feedback is processed and changes are made to the prototype.

    The goal is to get the first user feedback.

MobileUp’s portfolio includes 30 different awards. Effie, Forbes, and Webby are the most relevant ones. We have won most of these awards at the Golden Application contest

UI design

This is where the magic of design happens. The interface gets a finished appearance and is passed to development.

  • Conceptual design

    We present only one correct design option that solves the problem of business and the user.

    The goal is to create a conceptual design of the app, which could become a basis for further work.

  • Screens design

    Our specialists scale the concept and create the design of all screens. We make final touches and updates.

    The goal is to complete the design of all screens.

  • UI animation

    We animate everything if necessary. Sometimes we do not animate, depending on the tasks. This usually comes useful on onboarding.

    The goal is to refresh the interface with small but nice touches.

  • Layout transfer

    We make layouts and provide them to developers.

    The goal is to prepare layouts for the further development.

We give designers the basics of Swift. Denis Sushkov, a MobileUp developer, has developed a course on IOS development to help designers and developers understand each other


We try to shrink from abstractions and not to be at the mercy of one methodology. We take 4 methodologies as a basis and choose the right tools for each project. We are open-minded specialists. If a new worthwhile methodology appears in the market, our team will test it.

  • CJM

    Customer Journey Map. This is a history of an individual’s relationships with a company/brand over time and across different channels (from the moment of awareness of the need to the next communications).

    The goal is to improve UX and business figures as well.

  • JTBD

    Jobs to be Done is a statement/ theory that describes the user’s behavior.

    The goal is to understand why users have already bought products and predict whether they will buy them in the future.

  • CustDev

    CustDev is the process of user insights gathering (usually using interviews).

    The goal is to create, test, and optimize ideas for the product development.

  • Design thinking

    Design thinking is a method of developing user-focused products and services.

    The goal is to go beyond stereotypes and traditional ways of dealing with problems.

The visual experience is an important skill for a designer. Our specialists are in a continuous process of learning and filling up the design library


  • Tools

    There used to be many icons here, but they all disappeared with the advent of Figma. It covers all tasks of creating, storing, and transferring layouts.

  • Approach

    Our specialists keep to the MVP model. It means that we release the first version with a minimum number of functions. An early launch helps collect feedback quickly and increase functionality based on real user research. Moreover, it helps save time and money.

  • Expertise

    We give designers the basics of development. Our developer has developed an express course on IOS development, which any MobileUp employee could sign up for. Just imagine the qualification level of a designer who had courses in the basics of Swift.

    Click on the link below to read an article about our project «Nashkodim» on

    Read the article




    Head of the department

    Alexander Yudin — art director of MobileUp

    Alexander Yudin taught at HSE, gave an intensive on Design Prosmotr and British Higher School of Art and Design, and taught a course at Epic Skills school. He makes sure that everything goes perfectly at this stage.

    Alexander Yudin



    • MobileUp proposed an excellent presentation, solution structuring, great solutions, and implementation

      Sergey Korolev CEO, Justfood
    • We managed to improve the productivity of our service.

      Tima SergeevYami Yami
    • A combo of experience and communication made this team the perfect

      Roman SokolovCarporate




    We are always glad to cooperate and work on new projects

    Describe the task, and we will contact you soon. Or you can always text us on Telegram.

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