

The success of any notable service depends on analytics because it allows us to see what could happen to the product after launch, how to avoid serious mistakes and reach the goal even at the stage of idea and prototype.


That's what we're good at

What we can do

  • Idea validation

  • Solution development

  • Redesign


Idea validation

If you have a technology product business idea and want to validate it

  • Market analysis

    We monitor the market: key players and their segmentation review, identification of potential niches, the study of the legislative framework and market regulation, identification of potential trends, and search for extraordinary cases.

    The goal is to get a complete picture of how the market works and to find insights for future experiments.

  • Сompetitor analysis

    We monitor competitors, i.e. we find their strengths and weaknesses, study positioning and target audience, and analyze core features of competitors’ products.

    The goal is to study pre-existing solutions in the market and understand how to back away from competitors and find a niche.

  • Audience analysis

    We assess if the issue stated by the customer and the proposed solution are relevant for potential users of the product. It is often the case that a so-called pivot may occur during research. Then we do an about-face and find a more challenging idea.

    The goal is to confirm or change the hypothesis using interviews, polls, and creating a Customer Journey Map.

  • MVP scope definition

    We make a list of potential functions with priorities i.e. we fix distinctive features of the product, a required minimum, and functions responsible for the killer effect.

    The goal is to create the product backlog — a function list for the first version of the product. It’s necessary to understand what must be included in the first version, and what can be expendable for a quick launch.

We have won the Pioneum contest twice thanks to the outstanding work of our analysts (Anna Money and Samokat cases)


Technological solution development

If you have an ongoing business and want to develop a technological solution for it

  • Analysis of the company’s current business processes

    We get inside the company, communicate with employees, and get a full picture of the company’s business process to immerse fully in the task. We may spend a few days at a customer’s office/ the place of production to see how everything works.

    The goal is to describe the production pipeline and the main participants, to look at the functions they perform, and to identify the link between them.

  • Automated business process modeling

    We properly think about how to automate business processes in the company. We draw a scheme that demonstrates the sequence of work actions and information flows that ensure the execution of business processes clearly and thoroughly.

    The goal is to identify processes that can be automated and help to implement these changes.

  • Market analysis

    We monitor trends and technological solutions that already exist on the market. Then we find insights and collect the best practices in one research.

    The goal is to monitor pre-existing automation solutions on the market, reuse the best practices and generate personal solutions.

  • User scenarios description

    Our team describes the user scenarios in detail so as not to miss a thing at the design stage, and study alternative scenarios and edge cases. As a result, we get a document with target user scenarios within each block of the future solution and preconditions for their implementation.

    The goal is to cover all alternative scenarios and edge cases.

  • Block diagram of the future mobile app

    We put in order the list of functions of the future solution and divide it into semantic blocks for further stages of work: design, development, and testing.

    The goal is to make a mind map of a future solution to coordinate all project teams.

  • Terms of reference

    When the design and Ux/Ui stages are covered, our team fully describes the goals and objectives of the project, functional and non-functional requirements, screens of the future technological solution, and integration with other services.

    The goal is to convey business requirements to developers in their language.

  • Design monitoring

    We make sure that an analytical thought with its clarity and precision is transmitted to the layouts correctly. Analysts have their fingers on the pulse of a product from idea to release.

    The goal is design monitoring, control over the full coverage of cases, fulfillment of requirements, and the study of edge cases.

Interface logic visualization, one of the projects


The finished project redesign

If you have a technology product but want it to be redesigned

  • Block diagram

    We visualize the block diagram of the future product to synchronize with other departments.

    The goal is to create the most detailed scheme with all cases and prepare the project for transfer to the design department.

  • User scenarios

    We model and write all scenarios.

    The goal is to cover all scenarios that can be found in the app.

  • Audit of analytics results

    We provide a correct interpretation of the Google Analytics and Amplitude data and check the correctness of the analytics data collection.

    The goal is to identify the potential point of increase, key scenarios, conversions.

  • UX-audit

    We highlight gaps in logic, unintuitive areas of the interface, and outdated interface solutions. Then we define potential bottlenecks and gaps in logic.

    The goal is to analyze the current product and provide recommendations for its improvement.

  • Сompetitor analysis

    We monitor competitors, find their strengths and weaknesses, and borrow the best practices.

    The goal is to research the best practices on the market, to catch errors that competitors make.

  • Audience analysis

    We monitor the current target audience, work with existing data (research, store reviews), and conduct interviews and polls if the situation so requires.

    The goal is to identify the main sore points of users and the problems they face while working with the current solution.

  • Product backlog creation

    We define and prioritize the functions included in the first version of the product.

    The goal is to prioritize potential improvements.

  • Development requirements specification

    We create a document that describes the business requirements in the development language. It fully describes the goals and objectives of the project, functional and non-functional requirements, screens of the future technology solution, and integration with other services.

    The goal is to describe the project’s technological requirements as fully and concisely as possible and create a document that any developer can read and understand.

  • Redesign process assistance

    We promptly process all scenarios and issues that will arise at the design stage.

    The goal is to support the redesign with super-powered analytics.





    • I was pleasantly surprised that agencies can do quite an in-depth analysis of the problems and needs of users — even for international cases

      Alexander EsinAlfa-Bank
    • MobileUp has covered all our questions on mobile app development

      Julia VorontsovaEverpoint
    • A combo of experience and communication made this team the perfect

      Roman SokolovCarporate




    We are always glad to cooperate and work on new projects

    Describe the task, and we will contact you soon. Or you can always text us on Telegram.

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